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2-D Art


Stereo-photography is a pair of photographic images taken with slightly different camera positions. With a 3-D viewer the images appear three dimensional. It was a popular medium from the advent of photography up until the time television came into American homes. Many households had a stereo viewer with a collection of viewing cards. These are stereo-views I’ve taken in my travels.


I painstakingly drew a yearly calendar in pen & ink from 1988 thru 1992. This was pre-computer days for me and everything was done by hand. Each month’s art related to a theme of the month, the date grids were an extension of the artwork and the weekdays were in various languages.


My black & white photography I like the best. These are from a time when I was fortunate enough to have a darkroom. I’m glad those days are gone. I lost too many hours in the dark, by myself.


And then there’s technical art. I like drawing technical art. This is a plan I made of a Martin Tenor Ukulele. It was published with an accompanying article in the winter 1998 Guild of American Luthiers magazine and again reprinted in one of their hardcover publications.