Olive Green
Title: Olive Green
Type: Tenor
Year: 2018

We've made this olive tinted top with walnut body uke a few times, and each time it finds a happy home rather quickly. It's a pleasant combo of color and wood, and has an intrinsic, classic, retro vibe that many artists gravitate towards. Walnut bodied instruments typically sound good but this one sounds incredibly good. Underneath the olive tinted lacquer is a top-shelf piece of Honduran Mahogany which makes a solid soundboard that brings a nice rich and sustained tone. This ukulele is great for fingerpicking or strumming.
The Walnut is California (or Claro) and is a nice curly set. It’s well aged and paired with an even more well aged Honduran Mahogany top, which is then surrounded with a curly Maple edge binding (and is identical to the wood used on the neck; quartersawn Western Big Leaf curly maple). The fretboard is a nice tight grained black Ebony, and the maple / ebony combination is also echoed on the pinless-string thru bridge.